Home Announcement Which Canadian Province Ranks First in Mining Investment Attractiveness?

Which Canadian Province Ranks First in Mining Investment Attractiveness?

Canada has 31 minerals considered critical minerals for the sustainable economic success of Canada and its allies. The province of Saskatchewan has 23 with three already being mined including – potash, uranium, and helium. There is a near-term production potential for several others, including lithium, copper, and zinc. There are also strong prospects for longer-term production of nickel and rare earth elements (REE), such as lanthanum, neodymium and gadolinium.

Mining Week was proclaimed by The Government of Saskatchewan in 2022 with the theme, Saskatchewan’s Critical Minerals: Essential to Global Security and Supply Chains.

The purpose of Mining Week was to showcase Saskatchewan as a sustainable, ethical producer in traditional and emerging areas.

Saskatchewan ranks first in Canada for mining investment attractiveness! It is the world’s largest producer of potash and has almost half of the world’s potash reserve. It is the location of the world’s largest uranium mine and largest high-grade uranium deposits. It is also the world’s second-largest primary producer of uranium.

Other mineral raw materials mined in Saskatchewan are gold, coal, sodium sulphate, helium, and clays and has undeveloped deposits of diamonds, base metals and a host of critical minerals including Rare Earth Elements (REE), Platinum Group Metals and lithium.

High-quality, trustworthy and easily accessible geoscience and mineral resource information can be found on the Saskatchewan Mining and Petroleum GeoAtlas.

Mineral dispositions can be acquired remotely via the online Mineral Administration Registry Saskatchewan (MARS) system.

The Mineral Development Strategy includes geoscience investigations, airborne geophysical surveys and the Targeted Mineral Exploration Incentive, which provides a 25% rebate on eligible drilling costs up to a max of $50,000 per company in a specified region of high potential for base metals, precious metals, and diamonds.

For more information, please visit (1) https://www.saskatchewan.ca/business/investment-and-economic-development/key-economic-sectors/minerals#:~:text=The%20province%20also%20produces%20coal,earth%20and%20platinum%20group%20elements.

(2) https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2022/may/30/mining-week-showcases-saskatchewan-as-critical-minerals-powerhouse


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