Home Location of the Week/Raw Materials Location of the Week: Alberta

Location of the Week: Alberta


There are oil sands deposit in many locations across the world, but the largest deposit sits in Canada Province of Alberta. This deposit is the most developed and here the most technologically advanced production processes are engaged. It is called the Athabasca deposit.

Alberta is the highest producer of oil in the whole of Canada

The cleanest, safest, and most useful forms of energy for our everyday life is energy obtained from natural gas. Canada is among the ten countries in the world with the largest natural gas reserve. Do you know that Alberta is the province with the most reserve in Canada? Yes, it is.

In terms of Agricultural Raw Materials, Alberta is the highest producer of wheat in Canada and nearly 50% of beef consumed in Canada is produced in Alberta.

Also, compare to other provinces, Alberta is the highest producer of man-made honey

Raw Materials Found in Large Amount in this Location

  1. Agro raw materials

Cattle, horses, sheep, buffalo, wheat, canola, barley, rye, sugar beets etc

  1. Mineral Raw Materials

Oil sands, Limestone, Shale, Salt, Dimension Stones, Coal, Ammonite Shell, Sandstone, Sand, Gravel, etc.

Some Products from these Raw Materials

Wool, honey, bison, bitumen, and crude oil from oil sands (are products but are themselves raw materials to other products like gasoline and diesel), quicklime, cement, mortar, soap, aspirins, solvents, dyes, plastics, fibres, rayon, and nylon etc.

To learn more, check out these sites:





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