Ecole St. Mary students receive second CACERMDI Young Person of the Year Award:

One picture is worth a thousand words!!
2023 Pictures for your viewing pleasure!

President of the Canadian Centre for Raw Materials Display Inc. (CACERMDI) Leo Ekhaguere showcased some of the raw materials to the Premier of Saskatchewan Scott Moe on Saturday 10th June 2023 at Kinsmen Park in the beautiful City of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan to mark the End of 2022/2023 School Year Raw Materials Display Which had taken place at St Mary High School, 380 – 14th Street West, Prince Albert, Saskatchewan S6V 3L5 during the CACERMDI Raw materials Week 2023 between 6th of June – 9th of June 2023
This picture and the rest were from the Raw Materials Exhibition as well as those taken from the Essay/Quiz Competition. Most of the Raw Materials Displayed Were Gotten from Nutrien, which is a Canadian fertilizer company based in Saskatoon. Nutrien is the largest producer of potash and the third largest producer of nitrogen fertilizer in the whole World with over 2000 retail locations across North America, South America, and Australia. They have over 23,500 employees.